All files in this directory are used by More particularly, pages linked at: most png are generated from the libre version of xmind, a mind-mapping software LICENSE All files in this directory follow the license available at reproduced here (english+french): Here are the licenses that apply to the content of this wiki, unless a specific license is identified on the page. Voici les licences qui s'appliquent au contenu de ce wiki, hormis mention expresse dans la page concernée d'une licence spécifique. Quadruple licensed at your choice Art Libre, CC-BY-SA, GPL 2.0+, GFDL without invariant sections - license Art Libre - Creative Commons License - CC-GNU GPL Cette création est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons CC-by-sa. This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL. GFDL without invariant sections - license GFDL 1.2+