jIDEE change log * added: buttons for creating new source file and opening source directory * added: ShowFile sources to project * changed: icon used by ShowFile * changed: GUI string tweaks * changed: updated Notepad++ to v5.1.4 (ANSI) and removed more unneeded plugins * changed: tools config now asks for JDK root folder rather than /bin * added: "re-configure Java tools" menu item * changed: "jIDEE help.chm" is now used in place of "jIDEE help.txt" * changed: major GUI layout changes, some GUI strings * changed: file menu arrangement * changed: "Compile from root" now compiles entire project from root rather than just active subfolder * changed: app startup now prompts for project folder if not found * removed: redundant changelog from main AHK source file. * added: build menu and compile project from root folder menu item * changed: binary no longer uses Autohotkey's default compression * changed: link to homepage is now http://jidee.co.nr/ * changed: button sizes (they are now 36x36) * changed: misc. layout changes * changed: some tooltip text and menu hotkeys * changed: path of project folder in GUI now has brackets * changed: updated to Notepad++ 5.0 * changed: "jIDEE help.txt" is now used in place of "jIDEE help.html" * removed: redundant open folder button from GUI * Added project path text to GUI. * Added tooltips to graphic buttons. * Changed "open in windows explorer" icon. * Improved "no drive roots as project roots" dialog. * Initial development release.