O.S. Revolution Unofficial Debian Repository v0.1
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Component all

This is the 'all' metacomponent containing all packages in all components.

You can use apt to download and install the packages. Use the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and use the command sudo apt-get update to enable downloading from this component.

Don't forget to read the notice on the frontpage!

deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/osrdebian testing all
deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/osrdebian testing all


Version:0.53.1-1debian2 (changes)
murrine (0.53.1-1debian2) testing; urgency=low
  • Two mistakes under draw_radiobutton fixed
  • murrine_set_gradient is now static
Source (dsc):murrine_0.53.1-1debian2.dsc
Source (tar.gz):murrine_0.53.1-1debian2.tar.gz
Description:'murrine' theme engine for GTK+ 2.x More...

"Murrine" is an Italian word meaning the glass artworks done by Venician
glass blowers. They're absolutely wonderful and colorful.
Murrine has this object to provide the ability to make your desktop look
like a "Murrina", which is the Italian singular of the name "Murrine".

The Engine is cairo-based, and it's very fast compared to clearlooks-cairo
and ubuntulooks (30% faster and more), since the code has been optimised and
a lot of slow gradients were removed to provide this unique style.

Project Homepage: http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine.php

NOTE: This is the engine only. Themes must be installed to ~/.themes/.
